Relief for Mozambique and Zimbabwe

The recent events of Cyclone Idai has created a humanitarian crisis. If you would like to financially support DIRECTLY via Christians we have had relationship within the ICMDA, we recommend: 

Mozambique (Beira): special project “Beira United”. The number is “6440-912: Beira Relief” (Good Sam Fund).

Dr Brian Meyer is a doctor at Beira Medical School and very involved with the Christian ministry in Beira. There has been some inconvenience regarding the use of a credit card, hence you might need to go to the bank.

Celebration Health.
Bank Acc “BancABC Mt. Pleasant 11677755402245 Celebration Health”
Please reference “#Cycloneassistance”.

Dr Freeblesssing Murahwa has been involved with CMFZ, and Celebration Health has been a conduit in the past e.g. cholera epidemic.

If  you want to deposit in the South Africa CMF account, please ensure that you place a reference “Mozcyclone” or “Zimcyclone”.

CMF Bank Account:
Standard Bank
Acc 251644987
Branch 050410

The CMF executive will decide the most appropriate mechanism(s) to assist Christian communities

If  you would like a more known Organisation, consider the RED CROSS, WORLD VISION, UNHCR etc.

The link below is one of the latest news reports from the BBC.

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