Doctors, nurses and medical students needed to volunteer for medical outreach in Strandfontein, Cape Town.
Last year, “Operation Hope” assisted ±2000 people with medical and food assistance in the Strandfontein community. This year the event will take place on Thursday 24th September from 9am – 16:00pm at Good Hope Christian Centre, Cnr Trafalgar & Spine Roads, Strandfontein, Cape Town. They are looking for various medical volunteer assistance (doctors, nurses and medical students). The time frame is entirely up to the volunteer, eg, full day or a few hours.
Operation Hope aims to provide early detection for preventable diseases and chronic medical ailments, such as hypertension, diabetes, HIV, STIs, etc. Find out more on their website
If you are in the Cape Town area and would like to volunteer, please contact:
Carla Humbles
Tel: 021 703 9400
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