Conference report

‘We have a Good Story: How do we LIVE and SHARE it”

CMF National Conference 2-5 July

or if I were to rename it:

“Hi my name is ….., and I have a good story to tell”.

The conference was held at the Pure Joy Lodge, north east of Pretoria – a venue we can recommend to any organisation hosting a conference. We were blessed with the presence of Namibia (who came in a beeg bus), Botswana, Zimbabwe and even 6 students from the newly established medical school in Lesotho. There were about 130 people at the conference.

The wide range of speakers were:

  • Keith Michael ‘Biblical Healthcare, Partnerships, and New Vision and Mission”
  • Moses Sigasa of Alpha Gauteng, who enthused us with his interpretation of the story of the prodigal son and the temptation of Christ and that he used scripture
  • Dr Jon Larsen shared his and wife’s life journey as followers of Christ, with highlights of the mentorship at the Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital from Dr Anthony & Margaret Barker.
  • Precious Matsoso, our DG of Health who talked about ‘How Christian healthcare workers can contribute to the rollout of COPC – Community Orientated Primary Care’. This was a blessing to see the commitment of our DG.
  • Dr Mfanelo Sobekwa & Dr Martin Bac “Addressing Spirituality in Clinical Practice’
  • Prof Hennie Cronje “Sharing the Good News in the Academic Setting”
  • Liz Myburgh from Unashamedly Ethical “Ethical Dilemmas in Private & Public Health Care”
  • Dr Phil Mahuma and “Rollout of Primary Health Care with the Gospel?”
  • Dr Moses Thindisa “Healthcare & the Church meet”
  • Dr Mpho Ratshikana-Moloko “Palliative Care”
  • Dr Tommy Gray “The Pretoria East Model of Prayer in a private hospital”
  • Prof Tshifularo “Faces of the Spirit of God”

We were also very thankful to Dr Hannelie Groenewald, whose husband and two teenage children died in a  Taliban attack on their house in Afghanistan in November 2014, who came to share her testimony and admonish us to live our lives for Christ.

Some comments from delegates:

“Being in the midst of ordinary people like me, who are leading extraordinary lives in the simplest of ways was, I would say, a sort of awakening.”

“The most important lesson I learned is to focus on the “here and now”. As students we are always looking into the future and how we will be ‘more equipped’ to serve God when we have more resources and we forget that God uses us where we are to make a great impact where we are. All we should do is avail ourselves.”

“ As Moses Sigasa said: ‘God’s will is God’s bill’. When He has anointed you, He will give you the skill and ability to do what He has called you for.”

“Do you think you can be an effective witness of Jesus in the work place or in the mission field…if you cannot do it now in medical school?”

“Dr Hannelie Groenewald’s testimony made a surgical impact on my life.”

But most of the encouragement and spiritual impartation happened in the small group discussions.

On Friday and Saturday afternoon there were excursions to Sediba Hope Clinic in the inner city, as well as to Dr Thindisa’s children’s home in Tembisa. A hike was also organised.

A word of prophecy came forth at the end of the conference:

“Behold his trust, behold his faith. Behold the great power that was released through his faithfulness, his obedience, his trust. My people as you go out, go out to walk in that way, the way of the lamb that was slain, go out to serve because He is great. His name is beautiful, his life is lovely, and He desires to flow through you.”

Jan Kunene


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