Christocentric Healthcare, Restoring the HEart of Medicine – CMFSA Conference

We are delighted to invite you to our South African Christian Medical Fellowship’s (CMFSA) National Conference which is taking place from 30 July – 1 August 2021 (Friday to Sunday).

Our theme for the conference is “Christocentric Healthcare, Restoring the HEart of Medicine” with a focus on competence, compassion and community.

While medical knowledge and expertise has advanced exponentially in the last century, we have also seen an erosion of many of the principles that drove the early “Fathers of medicine” like Thomas Sydenham who embraced a Christocentric approach to their practice of medicine. Some of the first large-scale hospitals in the 4th century were started by Christians. Medicine and physicians today appear to be driven by economics and ego and many have lost their empathy. Many young graduates view medicine as a means to excessive wealth and sadly fall prey to “pride of life” and lose out on their calling.

Christ said, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto myself” (John 12:32). Our hearts’ desire is to see Christ exalted through the lives of Christian doctors, students and other healthcare professionals who are committed to the call and cause of our Great Physician. We pray that this conference will “stir up the gift” within us and provoke us to introspect and turn our hearts and our vocations fully to He “who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think”.

Looking forward to having you at the conference. 


Dr Ryan Gounder


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