Jon Larsen Resources

Download Jon Larsen resources here: The case for virginity The gift each of us receives of our virginity, simply by being human, is a precious and beautiful thing. It is precious, because it is a treasure, which holds the guarantee of our fertility and sexual health to offer to the one permanent…

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The Right to Die

A popular TV programme recently re-opened the debate about euthanasia, euphemistically called mercy killing or assisted suicide.  It unfortunately only gave one side of the story.  So I thought it might be useful to highlight recent developments in medical literature on this subject. The first is an article I have…

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PRIME is a network of professional healthcare educators, offering teaching programmes and training around the world. They aim to educate healthcare professionals on the health benefits of treating the whole person. Registered as a charity in the UK, their focus is on improving standards of health care education internationally. Find…

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